Dear friends and family,

We are stoked for this new season that the Lord has placed before us. From the beginning of our time at Ride Nature, we knew this was a ministry that made our upbringing and passions make sense. From coffee, to action sports, to missions we knew the Lord had called us to simply serve here. Now being nearly 5 years involved in the ministry, we are blessed with this opportunity to be involved in the spearheading of our latest base in Oceanside, California. We believe God has had this vision for Ride Nature for many years and has been preparing us for these roles. The initial hook of ministry has become deeply rooted in discipling those around us while using our active passions to help steer people closer to Jesus and to have a foundation of genuine faith.

We believe the Lord has prepared both prayer and financial partners to come alongside us to make this transition to the west coast. We would first and foremost like to ask that you would pray for us. Please pray that this step of faith will be a testament to the truth of Jesus and that His work in us will point others to Him. Please also pray for a smooth transition into a new community of both believers and non-believers. We recognize the need for a support team as we continue in missions.

As each of the staff members of the organization are raising their personal support as missionaries our family will continue to be doing the same. We would like to invite you to be a part of our financial team and help us reach our monthly financial goal of $3,800. We are so thankful for any gift you feel the Lord calling you to give, but it will definitely be the strength of our committed monthly partners that will allow us to fully commit our time, energy, and ultimately lives to the mission of sharing the Gospel and making disciples through the action sports community. We are certain this is our calling and know that those God calls He also equips and provides for! We want to thank you for your prayers and financial support as together we work to take the Gospel to the ends!

- Travis and Danielle Curie


  1. For favor in the community of California so that we may be able to pour into them and make disciples.

  2. A part time job for Travis where he can be plugged into the industry.

  3. Financial provision as our cost of living has increased.

  4. To find a community we can also be poured into by. Hopefully people who are also in the same stage of life as us.

FInancial Needs:

  • Monthly Support: $3,800

    This amount will be fully supporting our family while we are serving alongside the organization and helping to lead the Ride Nature California headquarters.